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Records topple in modern art bonanza
Friday May 13, 2005

The biggest ever sale of post-war and contemporary art has taken place at Christie's in New York, with the auction house raising $133.7m (£72m) in a single night.

With works by Edward Hopper and Willem de Kooning leading the way, fetching $14m and $13.1m respectively including commission, the monumental sale provided ample evidence of a strong art market in the face of a continuously unsteady economy. [read more]

Ancient Macs Make Modern Art
02:00 AM Jan. 26, 2005 PT

The <cite>Hyperscape 1</cite> installation is set up in the Workstation Gallery in Sheffield, England.Apple Computer may have quietly killed its easy-to-use programming tool, HyperCard, but it has an afterlife -- in art.

The near-redundant, 18-year-old technology has found a new lease on life at the cutting edge of European art. [read more]

Modern Work of Art
by Florie Lyn Masarate

When Michaelangelo hand-painted the Sistine chapel, he did not have any idea that one day, the painting that took him years to make, can be made in a matter of hours, maybe days. With just a simple push of the buttons, a few shove at the mouse and a vivid and wide imagination. And of course, not to mention, the use of highly-modernized machines and gadgetries. If only he had known that one day, machines will be able to do things that human can, then maybe, he would just had sat there and let it do his paintings. [read more]

Toilets in Modern Art
by Angelique van Engelen

Travelers tend to frequently take the cleanliness of toilets as indicative of how civilised a country might be. Modern artists pretty much do the same thing. Defining a "threshold of civilization" by means of a toilet pot is however by no means simple. Neither is it likely to lead to a conclusive, once and for all outcome. On the contrary. When we are faced with a toilet pot as the focal point for debate, arguments rich of historic content emerge. Arguments that we realise we digested somehow only as and when we enter into the debate. [read more]

by The Bogside Artists

The abstract notion of ‘society’, much touted by politicians, is, of course, a shibboleth. Society is the sum total of human relationships especially those we designate as "role-playing". Man is a social being and his life is by definition contextual. How he relates to himself, his work, his friends, his past, his present, his future, his family and the world in general determines his life and defines him. From the wastelands of the social pariah to the media touted ‘pillar of the establishment’ is a broad spectrum indeed. It is a spectrum explored by satirists in general and by many of the major playwrights. Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”, for example, is essentially an expose of the craziness of man as a social being. The theatre deals expressly with all aspects of social relationships. Is theatrical expression political? How can it not? [read more]

Modern Art Galleries

Gallery Of Modern Art

GoMA is the second most visited contemporary art gallery outside London, offering a thought-provoking programme of temporary exhibitions and workshops. GoMA displays work by local and international artists as well as addressing contemporary social issues through its major biannual projects.

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